Coffee talk with Nadine…God’s timing, Sometimes early, never late.

God’ timing, sometimes early, never late. A frequent comment by one of my favorite cousins, Glowdine.

Pondering that this morning and the perils of those who live in and near the Happy Family Trailer Park (HFTP), I am at peace with this message.

Because of one little verse in Matthew, I know it’s true based on our ability to recognize our own needs and to make them known. Communication people! You have to ask! He’s not a mind reader…

Ok, he is.

But our relationship with him is a communion. Make your needs known and ask for the healing of your broken life, spirit, mind, body and heart.

Ask now. And wait for his timing. Because while He IS sometimes early, He is NEVER late.

Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find.”

Coffee Talk with Nadine…renewal, strength and a pure sense of peace.

After a weeks worth of deadlines, punch lines, worry, stress, over thinking and emotional roller coaster rides I wake to the beauty and peace of a warm Saturday morning in Texas. With plans for the day simmering on the back burner, I sip my special “Saturday morning” coffee, read and meditate while lounging on the chaise in our home office. One of many peaceful places at my home.

The Spirit truly was with me this week. Never left my side. And I received comfort and grace when I didn’t even know I needed it.

Searching hard for Peace and reflecting the light can be a lonely business sometimes.

Especially when those around you can literally suck the life out of you. So I’m spending this brief time to recharge… So I can give more to those who truly deserve (or not) and to those who need it.

Philippians 4:8 ~ Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -think about such things.

Clearing my thoughts and telling the devil to get out of my head. Only willing to dwell on all of the above.

Serenely yours,

Nadine Bodine

Your Very BEST friend in the whole wide world

Coffee Talk with Nadine…Knowing when to ask for help

Asking for help requires a high level of maturity. No one should be expected to mow the entire back 40 by themselves.

            The first line of JC says “COME TO ME when you are weak and weary.” I think sometimes we are so weak and so weary that we don’t know we are. And in accordance, don’t know where to go. Who to ask?

            Romans 8:26 says, In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

            There it is.

            As my friend, Terri, wrote yesterday. Stop being a Rookie. Stop making those same bad decisions and choices.

            In essence, find a mentor.

            You might start by using the ‘great mentor’ as your guide.

            Arrogance only breeds more arrogance. It is in the humbling where we can truly grow. And there is no age cut off line here folks!

            At our weakest point God is still there with open arms waiting. Like a good parent who waits on their child to ask for help. OH! Help ME God.

Helplessly yours,

Nadine Bodine

Your Very BEST friend in the whole entire world!