A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court = A Texan in Dubai shopping at the Gold Souk

gold-souk-dubai[1]A great many of us have had the pleasure of shopping in Mexico in a market place. (Or your local Trader’s Village or Flea Market) You know, where the items are not priced, so you have to pick up every.single.thing you might want to buy and ask the shop keep “Quanta’s Costa?” To which the guy now thinks you speak fluent Spanish and answers in Spanish with a long dissertation and a price in Mexican dinero (dollars) or Pesos. Then you break out your calculator to discern the day’s exchange rate in American dollars. Where you then begin to barter with him and get him to give you the item at half his originally quoted price. At which end, the item is so cheap, you tell they guy you’ll take 2…or 10.

Recently, Jose and I had the opportunity to do a little shopping and exploring in Dubai at the Gold Souk. We all understand what the word ‘Gold’ translates to, it’s pretty much universal.

However, allow me to translate “Souk” into Tarbish.

Tarbish is a mixture of Texan, English and Arabic. It is my newest spoken language of which I speak many; up to and including English, Spanglish, German, and not to leave out Pig Latin (which Jose has a tough time understanding, much less speaking, even after 6 years of matrimonial bliss!)

“Souk” for those not acquainted with the word is the official Tarbish word for “Hey Umair! Here comes another American sucker! Break out the fake stuff so we can charge him triple.” Literally.

However, Trailer Park garage sale shrewd shoppers that we are; we first educated ourselves about the process. And decided to speak only Spanglish to each other and let Jose’ do the talking in English to the shop keeps. Easy enough.

We made it through the hottest part of the day by going in and out of well air-conditioned shops and enjoying and exploring the culture.

And trust me…it was HOT! Like Africa HOT! Which makes Texas hot seem like a frickin blue norther!

Anyway, in and out of shops, we barely managed to skirt the guides who wanted to take us to back alleys, upstairs, past the goats and chickens in the bathroom to his brother’s uncle’s cousin’s best friend’s Imam’s shop for items which we had no interest. But Shokrun (Thank You).

And we made a few bargain purchases that we thought we could live with. Only to find the same items for half the price, back in our little town of Al Ain at one of our favorite stores at the mall. Next time we’ll shop local with our Lebanese friend Kazim and save a few steps and sweats.

So, on the way home, I’m practicing my Spanglish with Jose. After asking a few “Queue Dice?” which is “How do you say?” with the inference being in ‘Spanglish,’ the conversation changed to a new topic.

Jose was being ridiculously stubborn about the new topic…to which I asked?

“Queue Dice ‘Stubborn Donkey’? In Español?”

His reply…


Me remito, himaar. (Spanglish/Tarbish translation: I rest my case, donkey.)

HCG Final week, Week 3 of Stage 2

This last week has been a rough one. Jose’ and I have had to lift each other up on more than one occasion…but the results of our efforts have paid off and we both are so close to goal! He has lost a total of 15.8 lbs! 4 lbs to goal…I’m standing at 9 lbs lost! With 2 lbs to goal. Go us!

So here comes week 3, the final week of Stage 2. I have been doing my best to keep the recipes interesting, tasty and varied. And trust me that is no easy task.

Because we have seen results fast, we now have to plan to move to the next stage, Stage 3, to set our weight and keep the results permanent. At Stage 3, we get to work out again! Something I’ve missed a lot. There is a final Stage 4 that is the lifetime plan.

I have half a dozen or so links to Paleo recipes/blogs…and I am researching how to best modify our old family favorites to meet this goal. Here are my top 3 links:




As I said in the beginning it’s a lifestyle, not a diet. The HCG just gives it the kick start.
So…the following is this week’s wonderful meal plan! Enjoy!

HCG Week 3 Diet Plan-The Last and Final Rose Week
Breakfast – Apple and Coffee
Lunch – White Fish and Cucumber
Snack – Strawberries
Supper – Tilapia & Brussels Sprouts
Breakfast – Apple and Coffee
Lunch – Chicken Salad
Snack – ½ Grapefruit
Supper – Hamburger Patties and Onion
Breakfast-Apple and Coffee
Lunch – Chili
Snack – Strawberries
Supper – Black Pomfrey Fish & Asparagus
Breakfast – Apple and Coffee
Lunch – Chicken Lettuce Wraps
Snack – ½ Grapefruit
Supper – White Fish & Tomato Kicker Salsa
Breakfast – Apple and Coffee
Lunch – White Fish & Asparagus Soup
Snack – Strawberries
Supper – Chicken Chili
Breakfast –Apple and Coffee
Lunch – Fish & Tomatoes
Snack – ½ Grapefruit
Supper – Garlic Chicken with Onions
Breakfast – Apple and Coffee
Lunch – White Fish & Cucumber/Strawberry Salad
Snack – Apple
Supper- Steak and Tomato Kicker Salsa

****LOTS OF WATER and Green Tea***
And We’re done! Once we finish out this week. Next week we move towards Stage 3…where we can have ANY and EVERY fresh fruit, vegetable (except white potatoes) or lean cuts of any meats that include chicken, beef or pork. That includes yummy Salmon and Catfish. And of course the addition of healthy oils, like extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and butter; all in moderation!
We will continue to avoid anything ‘white’ for 3 weeks like flour, sugar, rice, pasta and bread. I will continue to avoid most of those, unless they are gluten free, forever.
Next week! Stand by for some delicious alternatives! I miss real food. But I love the results!

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court = A Texan in Dubai shopping at the Gold Souk

gold-souk-dubai[1]A great many of us have had the pleasure of shopping in Mexico in a market place. (Or your local Trader’s Village or Flea Market) You know, where the items are not priced, so you have to pick up every.single.thing you might want to buy and ask the shop keep “Quanta’s Costa?” To which the guy now thinks you speak fluent Spanish and answers in Spanish with a long dissertation and a price in Mexican dinero (dollars) or Pesos. Then you break out your calculator to discern the day’s exchange rate in American dollars. Where you then begin to barter with him and get him to give you the item at half his originally quoted price. At which end, the item is so cheap, you tell they guy you’ll take 2…or 10.

Recently, Jose and I had the opportunity to do a little shopping and exploring in Dubai at the Gold Souk. We all understand what the word ‘Gold’ translates to, it’s pretty much universal.

However, allow me to translate “Souk” into Tarbish.

Tarbish is a mixture of Texan, English and Arabic. It is my newest spoken language of which I speak many; up to and including English, Spanglish, German, and not to leave out Pig Latin (which Jose has a tough time understanding, much less speaking, even after 6 years of matrimonial bliss!)

“Souk” for those not acquainted with the word is the official Tarbish word for “Hey Umair! Here comes another American sucker! Break out the fake stuff so we can charge him triple.” Literally.

However, Trailer Park garage sale shrewd shoppers that we are; we first educated ourselves about the process. And decided to speak only Spanglish to each other and let Jose’ do the talking in English to the shop keeps. Easy enough.

We made it through the hottest part of the day by going in and out of well air-conditioned shops and enjoying and exploring the culture.

And trust me…it was HOT! Like Africa HOT! Which makes Texas hot seem like a frickin blue norther!

Anyway, in and out of shops, we barely managed to skirt the guides who wanted to take us to back alleys, upstairs, past the goats and chickens in the bathroom to his brother’s uncle’s cousin’s best friend’s Imam’s shop for items which we had no interest. But Shokrun (Thank You).

And we made a few bargain purchases that we thought we could live with. Only to find the same items for half the price, back in our little town of Al Ain at one of our favorite stores at the mall. Next time we’ll shop local with our Lebanese friend Kazim and save a few steps and sweats.

So, on the way home, I’m practicing my Spanglish with Jose. After asking a few “Queue Dice?” which is “How do you say?” with the inference being in ‘Spanglish,’ the conversation changed to a new topic.

Jose was being ridiculously stubborn about the new topic…to which I asked?

“Queue Dice ‘Stubborn Donkey’? In Español?”

His reply…


Me remito, himaar. (Spanglish/Tarbish translation: I rest my case, donkey.)

One Week Done! – HCG

Only 14 days left of Phase 2!

I am pleased to report that Jose and I are sticking to the 500 calorie Phase 2 HCG plan quite well! He’s lost a remarkable 10 lbs and I’ve lost 4.2 lbs! (Men! They always lose more. But when you have more to lose, it is easier than chiseling off those last 5-10 lbs…Trust me.) Worth the struggle! Working the program well, even with the set back of shell fish that created a stall for both of us. We’re past that hurdle now. No more crab (or shrimp or lobster) till we’re done.

We both have encouraged each other and the new recipes I am trying have kept things interesting. Our food is much more interesting than the last time for sure.

We are engaging in a life-changing activity in hopes of lengthening our life-spans and living those years as healthy and fit in the HFTP as we possibly can. But, we’re not fanatics and do enjoy life as it presents. I will be back to cooking, but not so ‘usual.’ Once we’re done I will share altered (gluten free) family favorite recipes along.

It is my own personal discovery through the detoxing procedure of this new healthy eating plan that we both were a little ‘crazy in the head’ from our Sugar Comas. Gluten and me, well, we just don’t get along. And we had to get off the sugar train. So now, a week into it, we both have much clearer minds and thought processes. It’s like we were ‘drunk’ on food and didn’t know it. I just didn’t realize until I came out of the fog how funky I felt while I was in it!

Now that I’m out…there’s no going back. Jose says the same; as his family has a history of diabetes.

Here is a helpful link to some amazing recipes


This week’s plan is as follows:

HCG Week 2 Diet Plan


Breakfast – Apple & Coffee

Lunch – Red Snapper & Strawberry/cucumber salad

Snack – ½ Grapefruit

Supper – Chicken wraps

(make lunch for tomorrow)


Breakfast – Apple & Coffee

Lunch – Lemon/herbed White Fish & Asparagus

Snack – Strawberries

Supper – Cabbage Wraps

(make lunch for tomorrow)


Breakfast-Apple and Coffee

Lunch – Chili

Snack – ½ Grapefruit

Supper – Rosemary Chicken & Cole Slaw

(make lunch for tomorrow)

***Grocery Shop with meal plan for next 4 days***


Breakfast – Apple and Coffee

Lunch – Apple Chicken Salad

Snack – skip because Apple was with lunch

Supper – Tilapia & Strawberry/Cucumber Salad


Breakfast – Apple and Coffee

Lunch – Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Snack – ½ Grapefruit

Supper – White Fish & Onion Soup


Breakfast –Apple and Coffee

Lunch – White Fish & Tomato Mint Salsa

Snack – Strawberries

Supper – Whole Fish poached & Baby lettuce


Breakfast – Apple and Coffee

Lunch – Chicken Chili

Snack – Cinnamon Grapefruit

Supper- Steak & Salsa Kicker

***Grocery Shop with meal plan for next 3 days***

The addition of 1 cap full of Apple Cider Vinegar and the elimination of any/all shellfish (crab, shrimp, lobster) even though it is allowed on the diet has proved to beat the stalling out.

Also I eliminated the breadstick from the onset. (Jose still eats his breadstick and loses weight) But my body just can’t process gluten filled carbs.

Prior to the lifestyle change, I had overdosed so bad on gluten (bread, cake) that I felt physically sick. I felt so horribly foggy; much like a diabetic who had just crashed and burned. My mental outlook was horrible, I was argumentative, short tempered, stressed out and crazy. Ok….Call me crazy. One. More. Time.

**** Continue with LOTS OF WATER and Green Tea***

Stand by for next week’s Success Story! Right now, we’re 1/3 done with detox. And it feels so good!

Nadine On…Moxie


Moxie isn’t something you’re born with, although, I do believe it can be genetically passed down. It’s more of a skill that can be mined and honed.

If you have Happy Family Trailer Park (HFTP) Moxie, then you are taking it to a whole ‘nother level! ALL of the HFTP Self-Appointed Renaissance Trailer Park Queens have Moxie to some degree.

HFTP Moxie is being able to pull up your boot straps and get going! Just like Martha Shoeline says…”When the going gets tough, the tough go Hooker Shoe Shopping.”

Moxie is a lot of things.

Moxie can be mentored.

And it isn’t just that ability to lead one to ‘hide her crazy’ (blog to follow). Once one has her Moxie; it can also be that intense ability to tell someone to ‘go to hell’ and to look forward to the trip. In fact, true Trailer Park Moxie is the ability to get them to pay their own way.

Growing up in the proverbial trailer park, it was easy to identify those with Moxie and those without.

Those ‘with’ had happier lives than those ‘without.’

It’s easy to lose your Moxie, if you are human and susceptible life. And to predators. Those mean people in the HFTP who would suck it out of you like an emotional vampire. They can be relentless in their pursuit. But if you are shrewd and wise and have the ability to ‘wait’ them out, your Moxie will remain intact. You will leave them in your dust with a half lit cigarette and an empty 40 oz. in their hand, shaking their heads and wondering what just happened.

Moxie is positive ‘self-talk’ in action. And the possession of it, the honing of the skill takes years to achieve.

My 96 year old G-maw, and her 96 year old Mother before her, has Moxie. She has pulled her bootstraps up more times than Doan’s has pills. And she is quick to the wit and a comeback. She has the ability to tell people, nicely, with that sweet Saccharine Southern Belle smile how to go to hell…and mean it…without malice. It’s an incredible thing to watch. And they nevah see it coming.

Growing up, Moxie was encouraged. Taught. Developed. Applauded. And rewarded. My very own momma, Mawdine, both of my Maternal G-maws, as well as my great-G-maws had the Moxie. I was Grand mothered in. Thank you Jesus! It’s like it’s been bred down the family lines.
Moxie begets Moxie.

I now am working to pass that baton on to my very own youngin’, Dramamine. She has the Moxie gene. It flows daily through her veins. Making her aware of it is the chore.

But a HFTP Momma’s gotta do what a HFTP Momma’s gotta do.

And the beat goes on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umrp1tIBY8Q

Respectfully submitted by your very best friend in the whole entire world,

Nadine Bodine

Aka/Malika Nadine of the Happy Family Danat Resort Trailer Park in the Sandbox

Nadine On….Detoxing/HCG/Healthy Living

Yesterday, I felt like crapola. Total hell.

Sugar coma hangover x 10.

After several months of indulgence and abundance…the food here is truly amazing. Especially the breads! And each of us hitting our ‘ceiling’ weight and needing to bring it back down to reality; Jose’ and I have decided to partner to lose the 10 or so pounds we have recently put on and turn it back around to healthy eating before things get completely out of control here. Beer and Double Stuffed Oreos…they’re not just for breakfast kids!

So, yesterday was a rough day. It was the first day of detoxing for the 21 day HCG lifestyle changing plan. I won’t call it a diet, because the word ‘diet’ for me connotes a temporary situation. And this is a full out Trailer Park lifestyle change.

As a student of diets, this is not an advertisement for HCG. It just works for me. And I’ve tried them all, believe me, from the Dolly Parton diet, to the ‘cave-man’ principled Atkins diet and everything in-between.

At 52 ½ years, not wanting to try to be a supermodel or anything, HFTP Queen is enough responsibility at this point in time. But I’ve got to keep it real folks.

And for me, a Paleo-styled-gluten-free eating plan and 1 hour of cardio/weight lifting a day works to “maintain” the weight I choose to be at. Standing tall at 5’1” (even though I’m 6’4” in my head) the realistic 52 ½ year old weight. But first, I’ve got to ‘get’ there. And the HCG plan gets me from borderline “Do these pants make me look fat? Cause, I think they make my butt look as big as a barn!” to “Man, I’m pretty hot for a 52 ½ year old!” Quickly. And I like quick results.

Because, let’s face it, when you choose to lose weight, if you’re like me, you want to lose it NOW! And I get better results with immediate positive reinforcement. Then the follow up of maintenance is easier to stick with. For me. Maybe not for you. And that’s ok.

And before there is any more grief about HCG and the FDA…remember, those Federal people are also the same (plural expletive) who brought you Monsanto. So I won’t argue with you.

But I will share my success.

My body fat. My choice.

So here is the plan as I choose to follow it:

Day 1- Begin drops 3 x’s per day and Eat everything and anything you like…especially those foods you will know you will miss. For me, it’s bread.

Day 2- Ditto of Day 1…only it’s harder today, because you feel so sated, satisfied. Those drops work! Truly, I do not feel hunger.

Day 3- AKA HCG Hell. Today, we are de-toxifying our ‘not so little’ bodies. Nausea and headache. Lots of water, green tea, apples and lean meats (fish/chicken) and veggies. Today’s menu selection was B = Apple, coffee (no sugar! And trace of creamer), L = Lemon herbed Tilapia and 2 cups of raw celery, Snack = ½ grapefruit, S = Gingered Chicken and1 cup of some amazing steamed Asparagus!….YUM!

Day 4 – Doing better today. Slight headache, no nausea. Blood sugar is starting to shift and table off. Lots of water, green tea. Body is still de-toxing. Today’s menu as following: B = Apple, coffee, L = Australian Beef Chili (super yum! And full of flavors and spices) and S = 1 cup strawberries, S = White Fish and Salad Greens.

Thus far, we are successful. Jose’ has lost 4 lbs…I’ve lost 3.2. Not bad.

Diet Bootcamp! You bet. This isn’t for the faint of heart.

Respectfully submitted by your very best friend in the whole entire world,

Nadine Bodine

Aka/Malika Nadine of the Happy Family Danat Resort Trailer Park in the Sandbox